Monday, January 16, 2012

Price Comparison This Week: Meijer, Walgreen's, Rite Aid, CVS

Most supermarkets will put the exact same products on sale during the sales week.  It's smart to compete with other retailers in that way.  It's great that a number of our favorite brands are on sale at pretty much any retailer we might visit; however, as consumers, we just want to know where we can get more bang for our buck.

In response, I thought I'd do a little price comparison between various supermarket and drug store sales this week.    Deals will be rated as: Good, Better, or Best.  Go forth and save money people!

First Up:  Curel Ultra Healing Lotion, 13 oz.

Sale: $7.99
Buy 1, use $1 off coupon from Smart Source
Total: $6.99

Regular Price: $7.45
Buy 1 get one half off
Buy 2: $ 11.24
Use $1 coupon from Smart Source
Total: 10.24 for 2 or $5.12 per

On Sale $6.99
Use $1 off Curel coupon from Smart Source
Earn Extra Bucks reward of $2=
Total:  $3.99

Second Contender: Jergen's Ultra Healing Lotion, 21 oz
Sale $7.49
Use $1 off coupon from Smart Source
Total: $6.49

Regular Price: $6.99
Sale for buy 1/get one half off
Buy 2 = $10.49
Use $1 off coupon from Smart Source
Total = $9.49 or roughly $4.75 per

On Sale $6.99
Use $1 off Jergens coupon from Smart Source
Earn Extra Bucks reward of $2=
Total:  $3.99

Third Contender:  Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue

CVS, 18 pk
OnSale $10
Buy 3 for $30 
Earn $10 CVS Cash Card for spending $30 on select items this week (in this case Cottonelle tissue)
Use .50 off 2 coupon from Smart Source
Total: $19.50 or $6.50 per 18pk

Meijer, 30 double-rolls 
On Sale $15.99
Use .50 off coupon off 2 from Smart Source, doubled coupon at Meijer = $1 off
Total: $30.98 or $15.49 per 

Looks can be deceiving here.  It looks like you get the better deal at CVS, but Meijer is actually selling the DOUBLE rolls of Cottonelle; this means that you are getting double the amount of toilet paper per roll.  If you do the math, you're actually saving about 10 cents per roll (or what would be the equivalent of one roll) if you stock up with Meijer this week.

Fourth:  Scott 1000 Bathroom Tissue

Meijer, 24 pk
On Sale $15.99
Use $1 off one 8pk or higher from Smart Source
Total: $14.99

12-pk - $7.49
Use $1 off coupon from Smartsource
Total:  $6.49

As listed above with the Cottonelle tissue, CVS is having a deal where you earn a CVS $10 Cash Card if you spend $30.  Let's say you buy 4 Scott-1000 12 pks for $29.96 plus one of the other items--such as the $1.33 Coke 2-Liter.  You could buy any of the other selected items, but for this example, I'm throwing in the Coke.  Then:
Buy $30 worth of selected items (in this case, 4 Scott tissue + Coke 2L example)
4 X $7.49
Use $1 off Scott tissue coupon from Smart Source
Buy $1.33 bottle of Coke
Earn $10 CVS Cash Card
Total: $18.96 for 4 Scott 12 pks or $4.74 per (+ the $1.33 bottle of Coke or whatever you use to get your total to $30)

Fifth: Coca Cola 12-pk cans

$4 per  

Sale $2.50 per

(Possibly) BEST:
On Sale $2.50 per
The difference between the CVS and Walgreen's deals is that at CVS, the 12 packs are marked for the Spend $30, Get $10 CVS Cash Back deal.  There is a limit of 4 on the Coke $12 packs, taking your total to $10, so as long as you spend $20 on some of the other selected merchandise, you're coming out quite a bit cheaper at CVS. 

Sixth:  Folger's Coffee 

The sales on Folger's Coffee aren't phenomenal this week.  Additionally, there are no coupons available on the coffee either.  However, if you are short on coffee and need to pick up Folger's:

Folgers Coffee, Black Silk (10.3 oz) or Classic Roast (11.3 oz) 
On sale for $3.99
Coupons no longer available (Red Plum Coupon expired Sunday)

Folger's Coffee 27.8 - 33.9 oz or decaf 22.6oz
On Sale $9.99 each


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